Yet an even longer inactivity (with a sprinkle of introspection)
I forgot existed ðŸ«
I actually mean this. With the fact that is a command in my terminal instead of something like an app that I can just open (and maybe even on my phone!), and that I’ve interacted with the tilde community roughly never so far (even though I’ve had an account here for a year already, wow time passed), it’s not a thing I think about and becomes easily forgotten about, until I stumble into my blog posts here again.
Now, why don’t I interact with the tilde community? I think it’s simple. It has to do with me, socially.
I’ve noticed I’m more open and casually just doing whatever, posting on the Fediverse, more than in any community. When I’m in communities, I kinda just… don’t say much.
Why don’t I say much? I don’t know, at least not exactly. It feels like it may have to do with something related to perfectionism, and what I feel from the consequences of being slightly wrong, even though the consequences might be nothing. It may also have to do with not having anything interesting or related to say, or so I think.